Tuesday, June 24, 2014


If you use the word huskily, I will not read your book.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Lots of planets have a north

Some transcriptionists have a lot of trouble with accents, which results in a lot of fun for me when I'm editing the transcripts. This particular speaker sounds like she's from northern England (but I could be wrong; lots of planets have a north) and is talking about developmental psychology. Here are a couple of gems:

The notion of seeking just a unitary self is actually a full swan.

If you've ever heard an interview with the Beatles, you probably can understand this one. The notion is a false one, not a full swan. I'm not sure what a full swan notion is, but it sounds entertaining to me.

Bonus points for anyone who read that last sentence and thought, "Shouldn't it be full-swan notion?"

I think the bit I’m wanting to move away from is the notion that the child part of self only consists of our cake experience.

I really see no problem with basing my sense of self solely on my experiences with cake. Although I'll admit I'm a little confused how someone could have heard our cake twice and thought that made more sense than archaic in this context.