"So you bait your own hook?"
"Sure. After all, if one can't bait their hook and take the fish off then one can't legitimately say they fish."
"So you use night crawlers too?"
"Those aren't meant for fishing."
"Sure they are. The fish loves them. Don't tell me you're afraid of them?"
OK, first of all, I can't think of a better place to demonstrate when to use their inappropriately. One is undeniably singular. Their is plural. You cannot say one can't bait their hook or one can't say they fish. If you're going to use the singular one, you need to use he or she. In this case, it's a woman, so it should be if one can't bait her hook and one can't say she fishes.
Second, your character is a linguist. She should know this.
Third, this is ridiculously sexist. Yes, a single woman who goes fishing can bait her own hook. Stop being an ass.
And then we come to the really baffling part. The fish loves them. I can't even begin to comprehend why this is singular. I guess the only answer is that she is this girl: