I mean, seriously.
What inspired you to write the book? To take on a social issue that is sometimes overlooked. That issue was Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PSDT).
I have to admit he's right on this one: PSDT is very often overlooked. Even when talking about posttraumatic stress disorder, you never seem to hear about PSDT.
And no, this is not a typo, nor is this an issue of translation. He uses this acronym several times throughout his questionnaire, including on the final question:
What sets your book apart? The book does deal with several aspects of PSDT of which I have researched a great deal.
So you researched this a great deal. Really. Because you don't even know what this condition is actually called. So that kind of leads to an issue with your credibility, doesn't it? Or perhaps you researched PSDT a great deal, which is also problematic for a book about posttraumatic stress disorder.
Personally, I'm hoping he did a great deal of research about Privalomojo Sveikatos Draudimo Tarybos.