I was working on a project this morning and turned to my trusty Chicago Manual of Style for some reason that I can't remember now. It's not important. As I was looking for whatever it was, I came across some very interesting information about the internet. Here's a quick rundown:
"Website" is actually two words and is always capitalized:
I went to the Atlanta Braves Web site to see how Tommy Hanson pitched yesterday.
"Internet," "web," and "net" are always capitalized:
I remember when we first got the Internet.
I'm going to search the Web for information about Luke Scott.
Nobody uses the phrase "surf the Net" anymore.
"Email" is hyphenated:
Sending threatening e-mails is much easier than making threatening phone calls.
I love The Chicago Manual of Style. It's my bible. But seriously, WTF, guys? Let's try to keep up with technology just a tiny bit. There's absolutely no reason "Web site" should be capitalized and two separate words. It's "website." Everyone writes it that way. You're just being difficult grammar snobs.
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