Here's why. This is a quote from a client questionnaire:
I write from a perspective of being 100% in a given moment as if it I were experiencing it so the emotional content is pretty raw whether humor, drama, pain, sadness. I want the reader to experience this as I have written it so it's conveyed properly but I am open to advice.
Now here are some examples of experiences of raw sadness as he has written them (note: these are the full examples. They are not part of longer descriptions):
Tears poured down his cheeks.
Tears rolled down his face.
Tears flowed from her eyes.
Tears streamed down his face.
Tears rolled down her cheeks.
It upsets me greatly that this person truly believes these examples are properly conveyed expressions of raw emotional content. It makes me wonder: is the stuff I'm proudest of really this bad? And if so, what about the other 99% that I think sucks?
Oh, and I do realize there are grammatical errors in the author's note. Don't even get me started.
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