Today we're going to talk about mousse. Also moose. See how those words sound the same but don't mean the same thing? Here's a video to illustrate:
For some reason people have a lot of problems with this one. I very often read about chocolate moose, which makes me want to leave any comments for the author in fake Swedish. However, lately I've come across these two as well:
She sat down to do her hair, adding moose to the top.
This sounds very painful to me. It's also probably not a good strategy in terms of hair.
They topped it off with a chocolate mouse unlike any they had ever had.
Of course, this could be said of any chocolate mouse. I hope. Or perhaps the chocolate mouse is a cake topper or something. I'm not sure that's less weird.
At any rate, I'm pretty sure today's lesson is not to cover animals in chocolate. Have a good weekend.
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