Representatyional sistem, the internal experience in the 5
sense ; seeing visual0 hearing (auditory) feeling 9kinestetic)
tasting(gustatory) and smelling 9 olfactory
Neurolical level The logical level of experience environment
behavior capability belief identity and spirit.
Limbic system a complex part of the brain include the
hippocampus amidgala hipotalamus
Left hemisphere the left side of the brain responsabile for
processing of logical informationlinear info Kinestethik
The sense of feeling tactic sensing physical internal body
sensation emotional and esperience sensation.
Hemisphere of the brain referring to halves of the brain
separated by the corpus callosum the righ from the left \Gustatory referring to
the sense of taste Eye accessing cues, movement of the of a person’s eyes that
indicate the representational system used Corpus callosum
that separate the left from the righ of the brain A network
of fiber allaween the hemisphere to communicate between the wit each other Auditory
the sense of earing
I did not change anything, including formatting. This is actually what I was given to edit.
Note: allaween means "allowing." No, seriously.
Not bad for voice recognition software trying to decipher Donald Duck...
ReplyDeleteI started to worry I had had a stroke about halfway through that list. They looked like English words, but they no longer made sense.