I seriously almost cried when I got my next assignment. I may not be able to handle this. Here's who the book is for:
I wrote this story for ages thirteen and up but there are areas that might be difficult for some people to understand. Since it is military oriented it's probably targeted more to the male audience and it's defiantly for the science fiction reader.
Military oriented. Great. Because I want to read another book about a fucking military pilot. Especially one that might be difficult to understand. Because he doesn't say specifically who may have difficulty understanding it, I assume he means everyone.
Also, I'm not a huge fan of defiant science fiction.
Here's his statement about why he wrote the book:
My desire to write this story started one night after having a very vivid dream. I wrote it down and named it, "The Hail Mary Mission." I didn't know at the time it would change my life but I was driven to understand how an event could happen. Writing a prolog only drew me in further. Who were the aliens? What happens afterwards? With so many great ideas coming to mind, I decided to dedicate my life to complete it. Some may say it's to short but I focused mainly on quality and not quantity. I also wanted something that was thought provoking, mysterious, intense and emotional. The kind of book you can't stop thinking about long after you finish it.
Oh, boy. Let's take a look at this one a bit closer.
My desire to write this story started one night after having a very vivid dream.
So did you have the dream during an afternoon nap? Also note that very is unnecessary here.
I wrote it down and named it, "The Hail Mary Mission."
The quotes indicate that this is not a book but perhaps an episode of a TV show. Also, let's imagine the opening line of Moby Dick, shall we? Call me, Ishmael. Oh, no, wait. There's no comma there. So why did you feel you needed one?
EDIT: I'm still giggling about this one. I feel that we could insert either Blondie's "Call Me" or that one chick's "Call Me Maybe" here. The fact that I made a reference that connects "Call Me Maybe" with Moby Dick amuses me greatly.
I didn't know at the time it would change my life but I was driven to understand how an event could happen.
I'm just itching to know how writing a shitty novel has changed your life. Oh, that's not the end of the sentence? OK, we'll add a comma before but and keep going. I too understand how an event could happen. Events happen all the time. In fact, events are happening at this very moment.
Writing a prolog only drew me in further.
This is what prologs do, so congratulations. Except that we spell it prologue. Minor detail.
Who were the aliens? What happens afterwards?
We also prefer afterward. But regardless, I'm also eager to know what happens after...wait, you mean after the prologue? You, the writer, did not know what would happen after the prologue?
With so many great ideas coming to mind, I decided to dedicate my life to complete it.
What great ideas? The ideas of misspelling prolog or writing about aliens? And you really dedicated your life to this without realizing you were misspelling the word prolog?
Some may say it's to short but I focused mainly on quality and not quantity.
No, you didn't. You just used the wrong to. Side note: at 60,000-some words, it is to short.
I also wanted something that was thought provoking, mysterious, intense and emotional.
You know how often I hear these words in client questionnaires? Often. Oh, so often. You know how often I use these words? Stunningly less often.
The kind of book you can't stop thinking about long after you finish it.
You realize this is not a complete sentence, right?
And finally, after explaining how he loves using descriptive words to create an intense, emotional, et. al. story, we get this gem:
I have difficulty writing out how a person would for example, "Worry." Expressing that in facial expressions or body action is quite challenging for me.
Following this is an explanation of how he will not be instituting any additional changes that may be suggested.
He won't incorporate any suggested changes? Easiest editing job ever!