Technically, I suppose what they're saying is, "That's a-whole-nother ballgame," because really, "whole" is interrupting the word "another." It's like in Anchorman when the one newscaster gets his other arm bit off and says, "This is getting to be ri-goddamn-diculous." We all realize that he was saying "ridiculous" and stuck the profanity in there for the sake of comedy. I'm not so sure we all realize this with the not-word "nother."
So to make sure we're all on the same page, just try leaving your words whole and not putting other words in the middle of them. Instead of saying, "That's a-whole-nother ballgame," try saying, "That's a whole other ballgame," or "That's another whole ballgame." See how much less dumb those sound?
Here's what's awesome about this little trick. People do this all the time, and you probably never noticed. Guess what! Now you're going to notice it, and it's going to really piss you off!
Merry Christmas!
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