Monday, February 21, 2011


This one is super easy, guys. This is one of those ones that people do wrong all the time because they think it makes them sound smarter. The joke is on them. It makes them sound dumb because it's wrong. 

If you're describing something, the word "which" will always follow a comma. 

Let's demonstrate.

The hawk is trying to catch the nuthatch which lives in that tree.

WRONG!! This is so wrong, and not just because of the potential danger to the nuthatch. I don't know why people do this. If you do this, you will sound wrong, and intelligent people will hear it. You might think you're sounding all sophisticated and shit, but you're not. So stop doing it!

Luckily, this is very, very easy to fix. When you're describing something, such as the nuthatch, use "that." Just do it. I know you might think "which" sounds prettier, but it doesn't. It sounds wrong. Because it is.

If you're experiencing withdrawal from not using "which" anymore, there is a solution. "Which" can be used after a comma as part of a little commentary in your sentence (kind of like with those dashes we just learned about!). Check this out:

The hawk is trying to catch the nuthatch, which lives in that tree, to see about forming a Thursday night bridge league.

See how "which" is after a comma? That's a relief. 

This is so easy. Really. Please reform your ways. 


  1. Wich which do use use when you want a sandwitch? Or should I have used that?

  2. Isn't it "Your a sandthat"?
